Alec Steele
I am a blacksmith from the UK, now based in the mountains of Montana, USA. I have a huge love of forging, making videos and entrepreneurship. This website is the conglomeration of these 3 passions. Let me tell you a bit about myself!
Me aged 11 or 12. Hammering away at a blacksmithing event! PPE game was strong!
13 Year old me selling items at my first craft faire. I spent the entire summer holidays hammering away preparing for this, I sold £500 of my work at this event and was totally flabbergasted! I made every penny of that count, investing in more tools for the shop! Some you see in use today in my YouTube channel.
My passion for blacksmithing was set a flame at the age of 11, when, on a muddy and rainy July day I watched in awe as the local blacksmith hammered at yellow hot steel, making a stunning leaf pendant at a county show.
Immediately, I got to work fashioning my own backyard smithy. With a very primitive, hole-in-the-ground charcoal forge, a section of railway track (kindly given to me by James Spedding, the blacksmith at the show) and a crazy energy, I forged for the first time.
As I practiced and experimented more, the hobby became the focus of every free moment! If I wasn't hammering, I was reading, scouring the web for information or watching online tutorials.
As I continued through school in my early teenage years and my desire to create increased... My love of sitting in a classroom certainly didn't! So aged 16, I left school to pursue blacksmithing full-time. Certainly, the best decision I ever made. It allowed me to jump in the deep end and learn some very important lessons. My wish to leave school wasn't originally fueled by a love of business but I very quickly learnt that business was not only important but EXTREMELY fun! The same joy I got from making things, I received from slowly building my business and working out how I could provide value in the marketplace with my passions for creating.
This led me to creating an online school where I offer blacksmithing video tutorials for the beginner. Eventually I realised that the best way to grow my impact would be through YouTube. I started off making tutorials to promote the online school. That didn't last long as I ran out of stuff I knew enough about to teach. Fortunately, I discovered that documenting the journey of learning things out of my comfort zone was something that hundreds of thousands of people wanted to watch.
So now, I document each day in the shop and share it with you all on YouTube. You see my mistakes, stupidity, joy, excitement and love of creating and learning. It's all there. I hope you also see that the projects I make are attainable by anyone with a strong enough conviction to work seriously hard and dedicate yourself to the end goal. I started this as an 11 year old kid with a bag of charcoal. I've got a long way to go on my journey, lots to improve - but that was the start!
I was pretty excited after finishing this 15 day build! 1350mm long damascus Scottish Claymore Sword! December 2017
I hope you have enjoyed learning a little bit about my background! Please do scroll back to the top and keep browsing the website!